Case Study

Saved Time & Resources
The municipality saved significant time and resources by eliminating inefficiencies and mistakes from using pen and paper systems.
Convenient Software
Inspectors have enjoyed the convenience and accessibility of the Citywide application while they are in the field.
Improved Communication
Using complementary solutions within the Citywide Software Platform they’ve improved communication and increased operational agility.
After years of relying on traditional record-keeping, Bowen Island Municipality decided it was time to make a change and upgrade their permitting and planning services with PSD Citywide. In turn, this has given them peace of mind and allowed them to operate more efficiently and invest more time and money into the issues that matter most to their community.

“We saw the need to move to streamlined digital applications. PSD Citywide allows us to use a system that lets applicants directly submit their applications onto our portal, and for us to seamlessly review the permit application across different departments.”