Case Study

$63,000 Saved Per Year
Camrose County anticipates savings of approximately $63,000 per year and achieved an impressive return on investment (ROI) of approximately 233%.
25% of Staff Time Saved
Staff time save has been attributed to the shift from a paper-based approach to the use of a cloud-based software solution.
Reduced Reactive Maintenance
On average, the County sees between 30-50 work orders a week. Field staff can see what has been done and what needs to be completed.
Camrose County successfully implemented the Citywide Assets and Citywide Maintenance modules when they recognized a need to add GIS mapping to their operations. This case study focuses on their GIS integration, the challenges they overcame, and the positive impacts it had across their operations.

“These systems are truly touching every side of our County operations, creating a seamless hand off of data from those in the field all the way up to the rate payer.”