The State of Ontario’s Infrastructure – 2016

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Determining the current state of Ontario’s municipal infrastructure is not a simple task. With non-standardized data collection processes at the local level and constrained municipal budgets for condition assessments and asset management, access to aggregated, up-to-date and accurate infrastructure data is limited.

With the exception of the 2015 Roads & Bridges Study, existing research exploring the state of infrastructure in Canada and Ontario have utilized survey methods for data collection, rather than analyzing actual municipal asset inventory data. Most prior research in this area has also been limited by a lack of data across all asset categories – precluding the authors from producing a complete analysis of all municipal infrastructure In order to develop an effective strategy for addressing the mounting infrastructure deficit facing Ontario’s 444 municipalities, it is necessary to have a clear, comprehensive, and accurate picture of the state of Ontario’s municipal infrastructure today.

There are two main objectives for this study. The first is to build on the 2015 Roads & Bridges Study by enumerating the state of roads, bridges, culverts, facilities, furniture and fixtures, information technology, land improvements, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, sanitary sewer, storm water, and water systems in Ontario in 2016. The second is to demonstrate the progress made in asset management in Ontario, given the recent efforts of both the federal and provincial governments to improve asset management planning and build capacity at the local level.

The full study can be read here

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